This book reviews the historical precedents that show how we are being set up for an authoritarian take-over and calls for all citizens to work together to stop it in its tracks. US history as we know it has been twisted and distorted to throw us off the trail, so that we misread the signs that indicate the danger we are in. Every major issue has been condensed into an emotional distraction for the purpose of concealing the facts. We have a corporate stranglehold on the economy; collusion between Washington and the bankers/businesses; creeping laws that take private property away from hard-working families and individuals for the benefit of those at the top...Are we walking right into the trap? Authority is being concentrated, our liberties are chipped away, and what little wealth we manage to scrape together is confiscated on more and more flimsy pretexts. The privately-held resource base that was supposed to be the bedrock of this c...
This book analytically chronicles the rise of a corrupt collusion between a large corporate elite (aristocracy), the centralized bank and their inside government representative base. The end result was that the forces of the banks, and the large corporations, completely dominated the US government, and the average US citizen no longer had any entity within the US government that served his interests or cared for his concerns - up to this very day. Furthermore, our right to bear arms is under threat. Should the second amendment be neutralized or eliminated, suspension of the Constitution will not be far behind. The thirteenth amendment did not outlaw slavery, to every reader's shock and surprise. It simply exchanged the legal right to own slaves from the...